Interaction with researchers

Hi, I’m Michel, I work as a data scientist at INRAE.
Next year, I will lead a research project funded by PEPR aiming at building an app enabling consumers to report their food purchases and question them about the reasons for their choices, the sensory properties of the products, etc.
I think the scientific community would benefit from more interactions with Open Food Facts, notably for nutritional and environmental characterization of foods at a more precise level than CIQUAL or Agribalyse.
In return, Open Food Facts would benefit from inputs from researchers, and maybe some IT development could be shared (e.g. algorithms for food classification or computation of scores).
So I wonder if it would be possible to discuss in order to find future potential synergies?
Kind regards,


Yes absolutely. Open Food Facts collaborates already a lot with researchers, for instance on the Nutriscora, Nova and ecoscore. And many research papers use the off data. OFF will continue to improve and add consumers to make better choices. So we welcome you to get involved.


From market research (women 18-65) in Australia, preferences are as follows:

  1. 90% want chem-free*
  2. 80% want local, seasonal
  3. 75% want nutrient dense (i.e delicious, nutritious)
  4. 65% want GM0-free
    5 55% want gluten-free,
    and so on.
  • chem-free includes Certified Organic, Permaculture, Bio-dynamic as well as 3 other farming methods.