Introducing Open Prices

Introducing our new project, Open Prices :mag_right: :moneybag:
We’re happy to announce Open Prices, the first open crowdsourced database of food prices!

The goal is to collect and share prices of food products around the world. It’s a publicly available dataset that can be used by all for research, analysis, and more.

Like Open Food Facts, we need volunteers who are willing to help us build this project together, by adding prices of nearby food shops.
:information_source: More information about the project
:calling: Web app to add prices
:person_tipping_hand: A quick tutorial to add a priceIf tech-savy people are interested, we’re looking for help from developers (vue.js, Python) as well

FR :fr:
Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer Open Prices, la première base de données ouverte et participative des prix alimentaires ! :mag_right: :moneybag:

L’objectif est de recueillir et de partager les prix des produits alimentaires à travers le monde. Il s’agit d’un jeu de données disponible publiquement, pouvant être utilisé par tous à des fins de recherche, d’analyse et autre.

Comme pour Open Food Facts, nous avons besoin de volontaires prêts à nous aider à construire ce projet ensemble en ajoutant les prix des magasins d’alimentation à proximité.

:information_source: Plus d’informations sur le projet

:calling: Application web pour ajouter des prix

:person_tipping_hand: Un tutoriel rapide pour ajouter un prix (en anglais)



Well made, thanks.
There is a link to the product in OpenFoodFacts.
Perhaps it would be an idea to also include a link to the prices in OpenFoodFacts on the product pages?


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Hello @jan-pompe, thank you for your feedback! That’s definitely something we want to do, having price information in Open Food Facts

I agree with Jan.

As multiple photos are added for a product on OFF when an entry is created, it would be easy to upload photo of its price also at the same time. I suggest using both channels to add/edit prices - the main OFF app & the Prices web app (for more frequent updates).

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