Most effective way of adding a food

I’ve used the app a few times, though found only about a 60% success rate so far, hence thinking abouj6t adding foods that are either so bad the world needs to know, or so good they also need to know. I’m trying to add the Purition protein powder products, as whilst they’re not the same as real food, they are a massive help for those of us trying to manage calories and time limited. The Purition shakes are made from natural foods, I think the only ingredient that’s not is stevia, but then I could be wrong. However, when I scanned the label it came back with a very low score but probably because the app was unable to properly list out the ingredients (though it had a red marker for high fats, hardly surprising when the main constituents are seeds…) so is there a quick way of doing all of this manually? Also, I’m happy to be told this product is rubbish, but from what I can see from the ingredients compared to say Yfood or Huel, it’s not.


it may be worth a try to use the browser on your device and edit the page from here. The websites view will be adjusted to your screen size so it should look and feel similar to the native app.

However I cannot guarantee success, because I have limited to no knowledge about the android and iOS app and contributing via web app/website on a regular notebook and only emulated the screen size and user agent of a smartphone.

Hello and welcome to the forum!

If you’re talking about the nutri-score, that’s calculated using only nutritional values (the one found on the little table usually on the back of the product packaging), so no ingredient could cause a “bad score”.

Sure! You can even use the app for it. Just scan the product and then tap on the “Edit” button. You should then see a list of categories that can be edited.

Even if you don’t want to edit, you can always scroll down after scanning a product to see why the system has computed the score you see, like the ingredients it recognised and the ones it didn’t.

If you’d like to point out the specific product I’d be happy to help you analyze it!

And thank you for your contributions!