Open Food Facts Days 2024


Our Open Food Facts Days are back this September :tangerine: !

On this Olympic year for France :fr:, Open Food Facts will celebrate its champions - the members of its community around the world!
:warning: This is an physical event in Paris (not online).

:information_desk_person: You will find all the useful information about it here : Open Food Facts Days 2024 ! | Open Food Facts - Connect

:jigsaw: A collaborative programme just like our project !
Add your ideas for workshops & lightning talks here: OpenFoodFactsDays2024 - Open Food Facts wiki

:tv: Here’s some participants from previous years who share their experience:

We hope you can make it !
Have an awesome weekend,
Open Food Facts team


Nos journées Open Food Facts sont de retour en septembre :tangerine: !

En cette année olympique pour la France :1st_place_medal::fr:, Open Food Facts célébrera ses champions - les membres de sa communauté à travers le monde !

:warning: Il s’agit d’un événement physique à Paris (pas en ligne).

:information_desk_person: Vous trouverez toutes les informations utiles ici :
(Open Food Facts Days 2024 ! | Open Food Facts - Connect)
N’attendez pas trop pour y inscrire, les places sont limitées.

:jigsaw: Un programme collaboratif - comme notre projet : page wiki pour y ajouter vos idées d’ateliers/ présentations éclairs: OpenFoodFactsDays2024 - Open Food Facts wiki

:tv: Voici quelques participants des années précédentes qui partagent leur expérience :

Nous espérons que vous pourrez venir !

Nous vous souhaitons un excellent week-end,
L’équipe d’Open Food Facts

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Hello !
If you are planning to come to the [Open Food Facts Days 2024](Open Food Facts Days 2024 ! | Open Food Facts - Connect), which will take place on the 21-22 September in Paris, we invite you to take part in building its programme together.

  • :teacher: Lightning talk : you can sign up to do a short presentation (lightning talk, max 7 min) on a subject that can be insightful for the community members or new comers. Share your passion !
  • :bulb: Workshop : you can submit an idea for a workshop or an activity (please specify if you are keen to lead that workshop or for someone else to).
    :arrow_right: This wikipage is where you can submit these ideas (as well as sign up to this physical event) : OpenFoodFactsDays2024 - Open Food Facts wiki

Looking forward to your ideas/stories !


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Hello :wave:
We’ve updated the Open Food Facts Days 2024 wiki page - the programme is nicely taking shape !
There is also a more colourful version of it here.