Our community will match you donation from 17-19th December 2024!

INCRE-DOUBLE ! :star_struck: Your donation to the Open Food Facts non-profit association is so important to our community members that they’ll be doubling it from 17 to 19 December!

Our community members devote countless hours to the creation and development of our free & open Wikipedia of Food products, used by millions of people and scientists around the world.

Some of them are also determined to motivate you to donate, and they will double your donations, up to a total of 1030 euros, between 17-19 Dec. Your donation will have a double impact on the common good!

You’ll find the donations page here:

:fr: Faire un don à Open Food Facts | Open Food Facts
(:bulb:Bon à savoir: Les dons effectués avant le 01/01/2025 ouvrent droit à la défiscalisation pour l’année 2024.)

:heart: Thank you for your generosity!

:orange_heart: Update Gift Matching campaign: we’ve almost reached 500€ of 1030€ !
Help us reach the next 530 in the next 24 hours :crossed_fingers: It’s the sum that some of the members of our community have committed to match, in order to motivate people to give to the Open Food Facts project. This matching campaign ends tomorrow 19th Dec.
:man_dancing: If you’d like to participate in this fundraising effort, here are the pages:
French page: Faire un don à Open Food Facts | Open Food Facts
English page: Donate to Open Food Facts
Many thanks for your support !

:orange_heart: Update 20/12 - End of campaign: A big thank you to our supporters! :clap: During the campaign, where some members of our community pledged to double all donations for 3 days, we raised €787.51 → or €1,575 (€787.51 x 2). Well done for this outpouring of generosity on behalf of Open Food Facts!

:orange_heart: Update 20/12 - Fin de la campagne: Un Grand Merci à nos soutiens ! :clap: Durant la campagne où certains membres de notre communauté se sont engagés à doubler tous les dons durant 3 jours, nous avons récolté 787,51€ → soit 1575€ (787,51€ x 2). Bravo pour cet élan de générosité au profit de l’association Open Food Facts !