Ultra-processed foods

:newspaper: Open Food Facts was highlighted by Rachel Dixon in the Guardian magazine.

:canned_food:Learn more about the Nova score, devised by Pr. Monteiro, & use our free app or website to find out how processed are your favorite food products.

Open Food Facts has been displaying the Nova score since 2018.

Got ideas on how to get Open Food Facts better known in the UK ?
Let’s discuss it in this thread ! :smiley: :uk:

It would be nice if the govt took up the Brazilian model of labelling foods ( black labels ) that are high in processed foods. Until then we can only continue to tell all our friends about the app .

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:tv: A recent informative episode of Panorama (BBC) on ultra-processed foods:
BBC One - Panorama, Ultra-Processed Food: A Recipe for Ill Health?

Indeed. But when enough citizens ask for a change, it can lead to updated legislation :wink: For now, Open Food Facts displays the NOVA score.

Yes, NOVA score < 4 seems to be the better Nutri Score, but its hard to filter the search results on the OFF website by you own product preferences or at least by NOVA score < 4 first in the results and for NOVA score = 4 ascending by the number of additives.

I have read the German version (“Gefährlich lecker”) of the book “Ultra-Processed People: Why Do We All Eat Stuff That Isn’t Food … and Why Can’t We Stop?” by Chris van Tulleken, which proofs that NOVA score = 4 food is the reason for adipositas, compared to nutrition facts equivalent NOVA score < 4 food. The Nutri Score of the food is complete meaningless.