World Environment Day 2024

:deciduous_tree:#WorldEnvironmentDay - This year is all about accelerating action on land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience.

On World Environment Day, 5th June 2024, we invite you to take part in improving the Open Food Facts database by playing Hunger Games !

By entering missing data in a fun way, you help improve the data quality & unlock scores (including the Eco-Score which measures the environmental footprint of a food product) for yourself and other consumers looking for information on food products.

If you are participating in this online action & would like to ask a question or chat with other participants, you can do so in the reply section of this post.

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:earth_africa: World Environment Day - neeeeew blog post
world environment day

Find out what this day is about & what Open Food Facts community does on the environment front !
ENG: Open Food Facts & World Environment Day – Open Food Facts blog
FR: Open Food Facts et la Journée Mondiale de l’Environnement – Open Food Facts blog
Enjoy the read !